Buy a flat in Prats, Canillo

Towns of Canillo
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Andorra Sotheby's International Realty has a total of 0 properties to buy in Prats, in the Canillo parish. We are the real estate agency in Prats that can offer you the service you need to find the house or flat you are looking for with the maximum satisfaction.
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Living in Prats, a completely Pyrenean essence in the heart of Andorra

In the heart of Andorra, specifically on the far right of El Forn torrent, on a hill that dominates the Valira d'Orient river, Prats is a small mountain village that belongs to the parish of Canillo. With just 56 inhabitants (data compiled at the end of 2017 by the Department of Statistics of the Government of Andorra), this town, which is halfway between Canillo and Meritxell, stands out mainly for the beauty and tranquility that both the bucolic streets, of a completely Andorran essence, and the natural surroundings, full of leafy forests and with incredible views of the valleys of Andorra and the Forn River, offer.
As in other villages of similar characteristics, the landscape of the municipality of Prats is dominated by its church, which is on the side of the main road, just in front of the group of houses that make up the population centre of this village, that had, originally, only nine manor houses. Although it is a church with a simple plan, with a rectangular nave and a semicircular apse added on the east side, the exterior of the Romanesque church of Sant Miquel de Prats stands out because of its lateral walls, buried due to the inclination of the land. In addition, this Romanesque chapel also stands out for its gothic door, made with rough stone, a unique composition in Andorra.
To get there from the street you have to climb a small stone staircase, which was formerly protected by a porch, which has now disappeared. In the inside, two large arches crosswise divide the nave into two equal parts, while at the head a folded end of a pointed arch serves as a frame in the triumphal arch, which leads to the apse. Dated between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the first documentation of the church of Sant Miquel de Prats dates back to 1312.
Featured sites in Prats
- Royal Path of Prats: right at the center of the village, a sign indicates the beginning of this interesting route that connects, through an old royal path, the village of Prats with the towns of Meritxell and Canillo. Along this path, about two kilometers away, we find different Romanesque churches, but also other elements of invaluable cultural wealth, such as crosses or chapels. Indeed, if you begin the path on the Canillo end, specifically at the Prats bridge, you will find the church of Santa Creu, a church of the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century, which was restored by the Government of Andorra in 2004. This church marks the start of the path to the village of Prats, where the Romanesque church of Sant Miquel de Prats stands out. This chapel, from the end of the twelfth century, has, as a main element, an altarpiece created in 1537 by the artist Miquel Ramells, popularly known as the Master of Canillo, a painter who also created the altarpiece of Sant Joan de Caselles, another important artistic work of great patrimonial value due to its importance in the late Gothic period. At the Prats exit, the royal path is divided into two secondary paths: one on the left towards the Roc de les Bruixes and another one on the right towards, after crossing the Riu del Forn Bridge and Les Barreres, to the village of Meritxell, where the sanctuary and the Meritxell Cross (also known as the Carlemany Cross) are the main attractions.
- Inter-parish path from Prats to Engolasters: with a length of 11.8 km and a practically non-existent altitude, the inter-parish path that connects Prats with Engolasters is a very easy and beautiful itinerary, ideal for families. With different water points and resting areas, this path, which can be completed in just over 4 hours, passes through three different parishes (Canillo, Encamp and Escaldes-Engordany), connecting the Romanesque churches of Sant Miquel de Prats and Sant Miquel d'Engolasters, both located at the opposite ends of the route. Although it can be done in any direction, it is more normal to start this route, which combines open areas with incredible views of the valleys of Andorra and wooded areas, from the village of Prats, specifically 200 meters away from the church of Sant Miquel. Once you reach the Engolasters Lake, you only have to follow the signposted track towards the church of Sant Miquel d'Engolasters.
- Engravings of the Roc de les Bruixes: as previously mentionned, by the royal path of Prats the Roc de les Bruixes, a fantastic collection of prehistoric engravings dating back to the Bronze Age, which were rediscovered in 1962 by the the scholar Pere Canturri, can be reached. According to different studies, this set of rock engravings, which occupy a total area of about 2 m² and is located in the south of the village of Prats, was used as a funerary sanctuary at the Bronze Age, thus becoming the first proof of writing discovered in Andorra. Depending on the form and the technique used, the Roc de les Bruixes engravings can be divided into three different compositions or groups. Because of its dimensions, the most important group is formed by a set of drawings sketched with a deep incision shaped like a V. Some of these incisions seem to be associated with a second group, formed by different spaces made with the pecking technique. If the time and the techniques used are taken into account, the two groups resemble considerably to other engravings that spread from the north of Italy. Finally, the third group of engravings, which represent human figures and a horse probably from medieval times, is formed by a set of drawings sketched by a very fine incision. As per the legend, all these incisions were made by the devil during the fight with the medieval witches of Canillo. Thus, popular belief says that after a fierce struggle, the witches managed to expel the devil and, while falling into the abyss, he scratched with all his strength the rocky wall through which he was falling.
Your real estate agency in Prats

Andorra Sotheby's International Realty is your real estate agency in Prats, Canillo. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the characteristics of our properties and the places where they are located. In addition, if you are a foreign real estate investor, we have a specialized department that can inform you of all tax advantages and legal requirements to invest in the purchase of a house or property in Prats.
If you have already decided that Andorra will be your new place of residence and you want more information in order to buy a flat or a house in the parish of Canillo or in any other area of the Principality, Andorra Sotheby's International Realty is your real estate agency.