Buy a flat in La Cortinada, Andorra

Towns of Ordino
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Andorra Sotheby's International Realty has a total of 0 properties to buy in La Cortinada, in the parish of Ordino. We are the real estate agency in La Cortinada that can offer you the service you need to find the house or flat you are looking for with the maximum satisfaction.
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Living in La Cortinada, an idyllic place
La Cortinada is one of the six small towns located along the 14 km road (CG-3) that connects the center of Ordino with the Ordino-Arcalis ski resort (Vallnord).
It is located on both sides of the Ordino riverbank at 1300 m. of altitude, between Ansalonga and Arans. It is the most populated village and the one that has grown the most in recent years. According to the statistics department of the government of Andorra, in 2016 the town of La Cortinada had a total of 882 inhabitants.

It is basically a residential village, cozy and very quiet, nestled in a spectacular valley and very well maintained. The river that crosses the village parallel to the main road, the golf course, the old town and the two playgrounds make this town an idyllic place to live alone or with your family.
The fields of the periphery strengthen the appearance of peace and tranquility of the people while coloring, shaping and embellishing the surroundings of La Cortinada. They also serve as pasture for a few farm animals in the area, further contributing to the harmony between prosperity and nature.
The accesses to the center of Ordino are a few minutes away by car. There are also parish buses every hour. With the new extension of the main road, the pedestrian and bicycle passages are much safer for all. There is also a walking itinerary that rises up the mountain, crosses over Sornàs and reaches the center of Ordino by Segudet, which allows you to enjoy a 2 hour walk through the woods and with unique views of the Valley. This extends on the other side to the iron mine of Llorts.
Featured sites in La Cortinada
- The Iron Route is a path that runs between La Cortinada and Llorts, on the left side of the river bank. It is very common to go for a walk or run to ge out of the routine of the week or simply to enjoy the fresh air. During the summer you can organize picnics in the picnic areas with barbecues. In addition, there are countless surprises that take through the history of the town.
- 11 km away from La Cortinada there is Ordino-Arcalís, the parish ski center. Despite being the smallest and most familiar in the country, it is the most valued for its snow, slopes and natural spaces it houses. With the start-up of the new master plan, it is currently immersed in the transformation that will give it the boost it needs for the next 30 years. An investment that undoubtedly is an opportunity for the investors.
- La Cortinada has one of the two pitch & putt golf courses in Andorra. The Ordino Golf Club is one of the few opportunities to live at the foot of the facilities that give life, beauty and glamor to the town and its inhabitants.
- The church of Sant Martí de la Cortinada, together with the churches of Santa Coloma and Sant Joan de Caselles, are the main pieces of Romanesque art in Andorra, and enjoy a higher level of originality and authenticity. Unlike the other two, Sant Martí de la Cortinada presents an architectural and decorative evolution of a great breadth.
The church conserves the murals made by the Master of La Cortinada at the end of the twelfth century, which were located following the reconstruction of the original apse in 1968. - The Nature Interpretation Center is a museum space for interpreting the natural heritage that surrounds us, located on an old hut at Casa Rossell.
Your real estate agency in La Cortinada
Andorra Sotheby's International Realty is your real estate agency in La Cortinada. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the characteristics of our properties and the places where they are located. In addition, if you are a foreign real estate investor, we have a specialized department that can inform you of all tax advantages and legal requirements to invest in the purchase of a house or property in La Cortinada.
If you are interested in properties in another village but in the same parish, you can click on buy a flat or buy a house in the parish of Ordino.