Flats and houses in Llorts, Andorra

Towns of Ordino
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Andorra Sotheby's International Realty has a total of 0 properties to buy in Llorts, in the Ordino parish. We are the real estate agency in Llorts that can offer you the service you need to find the house or flat you are looking for with the maximum satisfaction.
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Living in Llorts (Andorra), a history forged in iron
Llorts is the fifth of the six small villages on the 14 km road (CG-3) that connects the centre of Ordino with the ski resort of Ordino-Arcalís (Vallnord).
EIt is located on one side of the Ordino riverbank at 1440 m. of altitude, just at the besin confluence of the rivers Ansalonga and Ensegur, between the villages of Arans and El Serrat. According to the statistics department of Andorra, in 2017 the village of Llorts had a total of 175 inhabitants.
It is essentially a quiet residential village surrounded by a spectacular preserved natural environment that, next to the fields and agricultural lands, contributes to the coloration, shape and beautification of the surroundings, contributing to a special harmony between prosperity and nature.

At the moment, the entire Ordino valley, from the centre of Ordino exit to the Ordino-Arcalis ski centre, is immersed in a new investment plan to improve the facilities of the centre and accesses, that will give a new economic boost to the entire parish. In this sense, the road (CG-3) is being widened, which will allow, after the end of 2018, a safer traffic for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
On the other side of the road there is the first part of “The Iron Route”,a relatively flat road of about 3 km where going for a walk is quite common and which runs between the Llorts Mine and La Cortinada, and where a multitude of pleasant surprises about the history of some of the most important activities of the Principality of Andorra during the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries are awaiting. On both ends of the road, the path continues along the royal path, allowing to take a long walk on foot, away from the cars, between El Serrat and Ordino.
In summer, there is a picnic area with barbecues where to organize an outdoors family meal.
Featured sites in Llorts and the outskirts
- Ordino-Arcalís Vallnord is the ski center of the parish. Although it is the smallest and most familiar of Andorra, it is highly valued both for experts and for ski enthusiasts, for its snow quality, natural spaces and the steep slopes. At the moment, after the partnership of Pas de la Casa Grau Roig became the majority shareholder of the company and the with new management plan in progress, Vallnord is immersed in the transformation that will provide it with the necessary momentum to face with better guarantees the next 30 years. A successful investment that is definitely a good opportunity for real estate investors.
- The Church of Sant Serni de Llorts, which dates back to the seventeenth century, replaced the probably original Romanesque temple. Its structure is rectangular, a bell-gable with two half-point openings on the wall, and another simple on the triumphal arch. Inside, we find a Baroque altarpiece dedicated to Sant Serni and Sant Crist.
- The Llorts Mine is the starting point of the Iron Route. A cultural tour where you can learn the process of evolution and transformation of iron, which took place in Andorra since the beginning of the seventeenth century until the end of the nineteenth century. The Mine enters the mountain through a 30-meters-long tunnel and during the rest of the route a beautiful combination of sculpture and nature with works can be enjoyed, such as:
- The earth and fire house by Alberto Carneiro
- The Jordino family by Rachid Khimoune
- Endless by Mark Brusse
- Great iron and peak cart by Jordi Casamajó
- The Iron Man - mole that walks by Guy de Rougemont
- Earth, iron, water and fire by Satoru Satu.
- As in the entire valley, Llorts is also the starting point of other and more demanding excursions for high mountain hiking lovers. Thus, we can go over the river basin to the l Angonella Refuge and Lakes, oor go along the other side of the valley to the Ensegur Huts. Both routes can also be done during winter with mountain skis.
Your real estate agency in Llorts

Andorra Sotheby's International Realty is your real estate agency in Llorts. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the characteristics of our properties and the places where they are located. In addition, if you are a foreign real estate investor, we have a specialized department that can inform you of all tax advantages and legal requirements to invest in the purchase of a house or property in Llorts.
If you are interested in living in this valley of the parish of Ordino and you are looking for a flat o house to buy, Andorra Sotheby's International Realty is your real estate agency.